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Painting | "Diana and Callisto" |
Drawing-Watercolor | "Portrait of Emidio Gandolfi " |
Print-Multiple | "Die hl.Familie" |
More details, updated results and all prices at art auction for GAETANO GANDOLFI, biography, classifieds and marketplace
GAETANO GANDOLFI last works at auction:
(updated 08 April 2014)
Die Versuchung Jesu
L'enlèvement de Proserpine
La Virgen con el Niño y San Juan niño
Six Studies of Heads
A Capriccio with Four Head Studies, Including Two Orientals
The Sacrament of Ordination - a bozzetto
An angel appearing to the Penitent Mary Magdalen
Nudo virile
Morte di Nerone
Eroine bibliche
An allegory of the sacrament of baptism - a bozzetto
Eine stehende Nymphe
Testa di giovane donna di profilo
Il ratto di Proserpina/La rissa all'osteria
Sacra Famiglia e studio per San Giuseppe
Cavaliere visto da tergo
Nudo virile seduto
Studio di teste
Sant'Anna insegna le preghiere a Maria
Nudo virile seduto con braccio alzato
Sacra Famiglia
Alexander and Diogenes/Alexander Presenting Campaspe To Apelles
Study of Five Young Women, Head and Shoulders, with Elaborately Dressed Hair
Nudo maschile
Bildnis eines Franziskanermönchs
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