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2012: auctions online with Artprice!
[Year 2011 + Year 2012 + Year 2013] / Rank: 2658
Portrait of a Venetian senator, traditionnaly identified as Luigi Cornaro
Portrait of a Nobleman In Armour, Standing Three Quarter Length, Beside Him His Helmet
Etude d'homme accroupi
Portrait of Nicolò Doria
Porträt eines Feldherrn
Portrait of a Young Bearded Man, Three-Quarter-Length, Wearing Armour
Figure d'homme
Portrait of a Bearded Man In a Black Robe with Fur
Portrait of a Nobleman
Retrato de senador
Portrait of a bearded man, bust-length, in a red gown
Study of a left arm and hand, holding a key
Retrato de Dogo Girolamo Priuli
Portrait de femme
Cena en el Camino de Emaús
Retrato de senador
portrait d’un gentilhomme à l’épée, à l’âge de 26 ans
Madonna con Bambino benedicente e donatore
Etude d'archers
Portrait of a bearded Man, bust-length
The Madonna and Child
Gentleman, half length, before an open Window
Woman with a basket of Fruit, a fragment
Portrait of an elderly bearded Man, head and Shoulders
Ritratto di procuratore veneziano
Allegory of Music
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